Law Press·China, founded in 1954, is a prestigious professional legal publisher and information provider.

The press publishes each year over 1200 products covering laws and regulations, academic monographs, casebooks, legal dictionaries, applied books for National Judicial Examination, etc. in the forms of books, videos, loose-leaf volumes and electronic and on-line products. It is widely recognized that Law Press China provides professors, law school students and legal professionals with the most authoritative information on law and legal knowledge.

Law Press China has been attaching great importance to international copyright trade and cooperation. It has established friendly partnership with more than 70 publishing institutions in various countries and areas, such as UK, US, Germany, France, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and so on, importing and exporting hundreds of copyright-related products and becoming the international communication medium of legal information.

The main principles Law Press China follows are disseminating legal information, promoting legal Process, accumulating legal culture and developing legal spirit.